Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Yang, J., Augenstein, T.E., (Co-First Author), Qiu, J., Washabaugh, E.P., Krishnan, C., 2024 "Design and Validation of a Pancake Style Planetary Gearbox for an Eddy Current-Based Wearable Gait Training Robot", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2024.3444688
Augenstein, T.E., Nagalla, D., Mohacey, A., Cubillos, L.H., Sethi, A., Krishnan, C., 2024 "A novel virtual robotic platform for controlling six degrees of freedom assistive devices with body-machine interfaces", Computers in Biology and Medicine 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108778.
Rodriguez, K.M., Moon, J., Krishnan, C. (Co-Corresponding Author), Palmieri-Smith, R.M., 2024 "Conditioning of Motor Evoked Responses After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Effects of Stimulus Intensity", Sports Health doi: 10.1177/19417381241257258.
Krishnan, C., Adeeko, O.P. (Co-First Author), Washabaugh, E.P., (Co-First Author), Augenstein, T.E., Brudzinski, M., Portelli, A., Kalpakjian, C.Z., 2024 "Human-centered design of a novel soft exosuit for post-stroke gait rehabilitation", Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 21:62
Krishnan, C., Augenstein, T.E. (Co-First Author), Claflin, E.S., Hemsley, C.R., Washabaugh, E.P., Ranganathan, R., 2024 "Rest the Brain to Learn New Gait Patterns after Stroke", medRxiv [Preprint] doi: 10.1101/2024.04.01.24304938.
Augenstein, T.E., Oh, S., Norris, T.A., Mekler, J., Â Sethi, A., Krishnan, C., 2024 "Corticospinal excitability during motor preparation of upper extremity reaches reflects flexor muscle synergies: A novel principal component-based motor evoked potential analyses", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience doi: 10.3233/RNN-231367.
Cubillos, L.H., Rouse, E.J., Augenstein, T.E., Joshi, V., Claflin, E.S., Krishnan, C., 2024 "Reliability and minimal detectable change of stiffness and other mechanical properties of the ankle joint in standing and walking", Gait and Posture 108:56-62.
Sethi, A., Pascual-Leone, A., Santarnecchi, E., Almalki, G., Krishnan, C., 2023 "Transcranial random noise stimulation to augment hand function in individuals with moderate-to-severe stroke: A pilot randomized clinical trial", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 41(5-6):193-202.
Augenstein, T.E., Remy, C.D., Claflin, E.S., Ranganathan, R., Krishnan, C., 2023 "Teaching Motor Skills Without a Motor: A Semi-Passive Robot to Facilitate Learning", IEEE Transactions on Haptics doi: 10.1109/TOH.2023.3330368.
Garcia, S.A., Kahnan, S., Gallegos, J., Balza, I., Washabaugh, E.P., Krishnan, C., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., 2023 "Walking speed differentially affects lower extremity biomechanics in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction compared to uninjured controls", Clinical Biomechanics 108:106059.
Augenstein, T.E., Oh, S., Norris, T.A., Mekler, J., Sethi, A., Krishnan, C., 2024 "Muscle Coordination Matters: Insights into Motor Planning using Corticospinal Responses during Functional Reaching", bioRxiv [Preprint] DOI: 10.1101/2023.05.15.540531.
Cubillos, L.H., Augenstein, T.E., Ranganathan, R., Krishnan, C., 2023 "Breaking the barriers to designing online experiments: A novel open-source platform for supporting procedural skill learning experiments", Computers in Biology and Medicine 154:106627.
Garcia, S.A., Johnson, A.K., Brown, S.R., Washabaugh, E.P., Krishnan, C. (Co-Corresponding Author), Palmieri-Smith, R.M., 2023 "Dynamic knee stiffness during walking is increased in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction", Journal of Biomechanics 146:111400.
Washabaugh, E.P., Brown, S.R., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Krishnan, C., 2023 "Functional Resistance Training Differentially Alters Gait Kinetics After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Pilot Study", Sports Health 15(3):372-381.
Washabaugh, E.P., Augenstein, T.E., Koje, M., Krishnan, C., 2023 "Functional Resistance Training With Viscous and Elastic Devices: Does Resistance Type Acutely Affect Knee Function?", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 70(4):1274-1285.
Rodriguez, K., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Quadriceps motor evoked torque is a reliable measure of corticospinal excitability in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction", Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 67:102700.
Ranganathan, R., Lee, M.H., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Ten guidelines for designing motor learning studies", Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior 16(2):112-133.
Washabaugh, E.P., Shanmugam, T.A., Ranganathan, R., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Comparing the accuracy of open-source pose estimation methods for measuring gait kinematics", Gait and Posture 97:188-195.
Krishnan, C., Johnson, A.K., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., 2022 "Mechanical Factors Contributing to Altered Knee Extension Moment during Gait after ACL Reconstruction: A Longitudinal Analysis", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 54(12):2208-2215.
Johnson, A.K., Brown, S.R., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Functional Resistance Training After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Improves Knee Angle and Moment Symmetry During Gait: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial", Arthroscopy 38(11):3043-3055.
Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Brown, S.R., Wojtys, E.M., Â Krishnan, C., 2022 "Functional Resistance Training Improves Thigh Muscle Strength after ACL Reconstruction: A Randomized Clinical Trial", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 54(10):1729-1737.
Ranganathan, R., Doherty, C., Gussert, M., Kaplinski, E., Koje, M., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Scientific basis and active ingredients of current therapeutic interventions for stroke rehabilitation", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 40(2):97-107.
Washabaugh, E.P., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Functional resistance training methods for targeting patient-specific gait deficits: A review of devices and their effects on muscle activation, neural control, and gait mechanics", Clinical Biomechanics 94:105629.
Schroeder, M.J., Acuña, S.A., Krishnan, C. (Co-first author and Corresponding Author), Dhaher, Y.Y., 2022 "Can Increased Locomotor Task Difficulty Differentiate Knee Muscle Forces After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction?", Journal of Applied Biomechanics 38(2):84-94.
Augenstein, T.E., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Manipulating abnormal synergistic coupling of joint torques through force applications at the Hand: A Simulation-Based study", Journal of Biomechanics 131:110936.
Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Garcia, S.A., Rodriguez, K.M., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Electrically Evoked Torque at Rest Is Strongly Related to Quadriceps Muscle Size in Individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction", Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 26(3):199-206.Â
Joshi, V., Rouse, E.J., Claflin, E.S., Krishnan, C., 2022 "How does Ankle Mechanical Stiffness Change as a Function of Muscle Activation in Standing and During the Late Stance of Walking?", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69(3):1186-1193.Â
Garcia, S.A., Brown, S.R., Koje, M., Krishnan, C., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., 2022 "Gait asymmetries are exacerbated at faster walking speeds in individuals with acute anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction", Journal of Orthopaedic Research 40(1):219-230.
Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Curran, M.T., Garcia, S.A., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Factors That Predict Sagittal Plane Knee Biomechanical Symmetry After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Decision Tree Analysis", Sports Health 14(2):167-175.
Garcia, S.A., Rodriguez, K.M., Brown, S.R., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Estimates of voluntary activation in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Effects of type of stimulator, number of stimuli, and quantification technique", Journal of Sport and Health Science 11(1):85-93
Augenstein, T.E., Kortemeyer, D., Glista, L., Krishnan, C., 2022 "Enhancing mirror therapy via scaling and shared control: a novel open-source virtual reality platform for stroke rehabilitation", Journal of Biomechanics 26(2):525-538.
Ranganathan, R., Lin, M., Carey, S., Lokesh, R., Lee, M.H., Krishnan, C., 2021 "Motor Variability Prior to Learning does not Facilitate the Ability to Adopt new Movement Solutions", Neuroscience 479:157-168.
Gardi, A.Z., Vogel, A.K., Dharia, Krishnan, C., 2021 "Effect of Conventional Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Devices and Electrode Sizes on motor Cortical Excitability of the Quadriceps Muscle", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 39(5):379-391.
Washabaugh, E.P., Cubillos, L.H., Nelson, A.C., Cargile, B.T., Claflin, E.S., Krishnan, C., 2021 "Motor Slacking during Resisted Treadmill Walking: Can Visual Feedback of Kinematics Reduce this Behavior?", Gait & Posture 90:334-339.
Claflin, E.S., Daunter, A.K., Bowman, A., Startup, J., Reed, E., Krishnan, C., Kratz, A.L., 2021 "Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 and Neurological Complications Experience More Frequent Decline in Functioning and Greater Rehabilitation Needs", American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 100(8):725-729
Brown, S.R., Washabaugh, E.P., Dutt-Mazumder, A., Wojtys, E.M., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Krishnan, C., 2021 "Functional Resistance Training to Improve Knee Strength and Function After Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Case Study", Sports Health 13(2):136-144.
Washabaugh, E.P., Augenstein, T.E., Ebenhoeh, A.M., Qiu, J., Ford, K.A., Krishnan, C., 2021 "Design and Preliminary Assessment of a Passive Elastic Leg Exoskeleton for Resistive Gait Rehabilitation", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68(6):1941-1950.
Dharia, A.K., Gardi, A., Vogel, A.K., Dutt-Mazumder, A., Krishnan, C., 2021 "Evaluation of motor cortical excitability using evoked torque responses: A new tool with high reliability", Journal of Neuroscience Methods 348:108998.
Rodriguez, K.M., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., Krishnan, C., 2021 "How does anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction affect the functioning of the brain and spinal cord? A systematic review with meta-analysis", Journal of Sport and Health Science 10(2):172-181
Zhang, M., Hu, Y.,  Krishnan, C., 2021 "Guest Editorial Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Automation for Healthcare Applications", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 18 (2), 401-404
Garcia, S.A., Rodriguez, K.M., Krishnan, C., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., 2020 "Type of Measurement Used Influences Central and Peripheral Contributions to Quadriceps Weakness after Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction", Physical Therapy in Sport 46:14-22.
Augenstein, T.E., Washabaugh, E.P., Remy, C.D., Krishnan, C., 2020 "Motor Modules are Impacted by the Number of Reaching Directions Included in the Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28(9):2025-2034.
Saxena, H., Ward, K.R., Krishnan, C., Epureanu, B.I., 2020 "Effect of Multi-Frequency Whole-Body Vibration on Muscle Activation, Metabolic Cost and Regional Tissue Oxygenation", IEEE Access 8:140445-140455.
Washabaugh, E.P., Augenstein, T.E., Krishnan, C., 2020 "Functional Resistance Training during Walking: Mode of Application Differentially Affects Gait Biomechanics and Muscle Activation Patterns", Gait & Posture 75:129-136.
Krishnan, C., 2019 "Effect of paired-pulse stimulus parameters on the two phases of short interval intracortical inhibition in the quadriceps muscle group", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 37(4):363-374.
Whitney, D.G., Dutt-Mazumder, A., Peterson, M.D., Krishnan, C., 2019 "Fall Risk in Stroke Survivors: Effects of Stroke plus Dementia and Reduced Motor Functional Capacity", Journal of Neurological Sciences 401:95-100.
Krishnan, C., Washabaugh, E.P., Dutt-Mazumder, A., Brown, S.R., Wojtys, E.M., Palmieri-Smith, R.M., 2019 "Conditioning Brain Responses to Improve Quadriceps Function in an Individual With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction", Sports Health 11(4):306-315.Â
Krishnan, C., Dharia, A., Augenstein, T., Washabaugh, E.P., Reid, C., Brown, S.R., Ranganathan, R., 2019 "Learning New Gait Patterns is Enhanced by Specificity of Training Rather than Progression of Task Difficulty", Journal of Biomechanics 88:33-37.Â
Krishnan, C., 2019 "Learning and Interlimb Transfer of New Gait Patterns are Facilitated by Distributed Practice across Days", Gait & Posture 70:84-89.Â
Washabaugh, E.P., Guo, J., Chang, C.K., Remy, C.D., Krishnan, C., 2019 "A Portable Passive Rehabilitation Robot for Upper-Extremity Functional Resistance Training", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66(2):496-508.
Washabaugh, E.P., Treadway, E., Gillespie, R.B., Remy, C.D., Krishnan, C., 2018 "Self-Powered Robots to Reduce Motor Slacking during Upper-Extremity Rehabilitation: A Proof of Concept Study", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 36(6):693-708
Krishnan, C., Washabaugh, E.P., Reid, C., Althoen, M., Ranganathan, R., 2018 "Learning New Gait Patterns: Age-related Differences in Skill Acquisition and Interlimb Transfer", Experimental Gerontology 111:45-52.Â
Chang, C.K., Washabaugh, E.P., Gwozdziowski, A., Remy, C.D., Krishnan, C., 2018 "A Semi-passive Planar Manipulandum for Upper-Extremity Rehabilitation", Annals of Biomedical Engineering 46(7):1047-1065.
Washabaugh, E.P., Krishnan, C., 2018 "A Wearable Resistive Robot Facilitates Locomotor Adaptations during Gait", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 36(2):215-223.
Rodseth, J., Washabaugh, E.P., Krishnan, C., 2017 "A Novel Low-Cost Approach for Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 35(6):601-609.
Rodseth, J., Washabaugh, E.P., Al Haddad, A., Kartje, P., Tate, D.G., Krishnan, C., 2017 "A Novel Low-Cost Solution for Driving Assessment in Individuals with and without Disabilities", Applied Ergonomics 65:335-344.
Krishnan, C., Ranganathan, R., Tetarbe, M., 2017 "Interlimb Transfer of Motor Skill Learning during Walking: No evidence for asymmetric transfer", Gait & Posture 56:24-30.
Saner, R., Washabaugh, E.P., Krishnan, C., 2017 "Reliable Sagittal Plane Kinematic Gait Assessments are Feasible using Low-Cost Webcam Technology", Gait & Posture 56:19-23.
Washabaugh, E.P., Kalyanaraman, T., Adamczyk, P.G., Claflin, E.S., Krishnan, C., 2017 "Validity and Repeatability of Inertial Measurement Units for Measuring Gait Parameters", Gait & Posture 55:87-93.
Krishnan, C., Choksi, P., Peterson, M.D., 2017 "Abdominal Adiposity and Low Physical Activity are Independently and Inversely Associated with Bone Mineral Density", Obesity Research & Clinical Practice 11(6):740-746.
Santos, S.D., Krishnan, C. (Co-first author and Corresponding author), Alonso A.C., Greve J.M., 2017 "Trunk Function Correlates Positively with Wheelchair Basketball Player Classification", American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 96(2):101-108.
Washabaugh, E.P., Santos, L., Claflin, E.S., Krishnan, C., 2016 "Low Level Intermittent Quadriceps Activity during Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Facilitates Knee Extensor Force Generating Capacity", Neuroscience 329:93-97
Ranganathan, R., Krishnan, C., Dhaher, Y.Y., Rymer, W.Z., 2016 "Learning New Gait Patterns: Exploratory Muscle Activity During Motor Learning is Not Predicted by Motor Modules", Journal of Biomechanics 49(5):718-725
Washabaugh, E.P., Claflin, E.S., Gillespie, R.B., Krishnan, C., 2016 "A Novel Application of Eddy Current Braking for Functional Strength Training of Gait", Annals of Biomedical Engineering 44(9):2760-2773
Washabaugh, E.P., Krishnan, C., 2016 "A Low-Cost System for Coil Tracking during Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Application", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 34(2):337-346
Greve, J. M. D. A., Alonso, A. C., Mochizuki, L., Lucareli, P. R., Krishnan, C., & Baker, R., 2015 "Motor Functional Evaluation from Physiology and Biomechanics to Clinical and Training Application", BioMed research international 2015:542496
Peterson M.D., Krishnan, C. (Co-first author), 2015 Â "Growth Charts for Muscular Strength Capacity with Quantile Regression", American Journal of Preventive Medicine 49(6):935-938
Schroeder, M.J., Krishnan, C. (Co-first author), Dhaher Y.Y., 2015, "The Influence of Task Complexity on Knee Joint Kinetics Following ACL Reconstruction", Clinical Biomechanics 30(8):852-859
Krishnan, C., Theuerkauf, P., 2015, "Effect of Knee Angle on Quadriceps Strength and Activation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction", Journal of Applied Physiology 119(3):223-231
Dutta, A., Krishnan, C. (Co-first author & Corresponding Author), Kantak, S.S., Ranganathan, R., Nitsche, M., "Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Surface Electromyogram Supports Alterations in Motor Unit Recruitment Strategies by Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 33(5):663-669
Krishnan, C., "Are Practice Trials Required for Hop Tests", Gait & Posture 41(4):960-963
Krishnan, C., Santos, L, 2015, "Role of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation", Physiotimes 6(4):18-20
Krishnan, C., Washabaugh, E.P., Seetharaman, Y., 2015, "A Low Cost Real-Time Motion Tracking Approach Using Webcam Technology", Journal of Biomechanics 48(3):544-548
Claflin, E.S., Krishnan, C., Khot, S.P., 2015, "Emerging Treatments for Motor Rehabilitation after Stroke", The Neurohospitalist 5:77-88
Krishnan, C., Santos, L., Peterson M.D., Ehinger M, 2015, "Safety of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Children and Adolescents", Brain Stimulation 8(1)76:87
Krishnan, C., Ranganathan, R., Kantak S.S., Dhaher, Y.Y., Rymer, W.Z., 2014, "Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Alters Elbow Flexor Muscle Recruitment Strategies", Brain Stimulation 7(3):443-450
Krishnan, C., Williams G.N., 2014, "Effect of Knee Joint Angle on Side-to-Side Strength Ratios", Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(10):2981-2987
Krishnan, C., Ranganathan, R., Dhaher, Y.Y., Rymer, W.Z., 2013, "A Pilot Study on the Feasibility of Robot-Aided Leg Motor Training to Facilitate Active Participation", PloS One 8(10) e77370
Krishnan, C., Kotsapouikis, D., Dhaher, Y.Y., Rymer, W.Z., 2012, "Reducing Robotic Guidance During Robot-Assisted Gait Training Improves Gait Function: A Case Report on a Stroke Survivor.", Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 94(6):1202-1206
Ranganathan, R., Krishnan, C., 2012 "Extracting Synergies in Gait: Using EMG Variability to Evaluate Control Strategies.", Journal of Neurophysiology 108(5): 1537-1544
Krishnan, C., Ranganathan, R., Kantak, S.S., Dhaher, Y.Y., Rymer, W.Z., 2012 "Active Robotic Training Improves Locomotor Function in a Stroke Survivor.", Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 9(57): 1-13
Krishnan, C., Dhaher, Y.Y., 2012, "Corticospinal Responses of Quadriceps are Abnormally Couple with Hip Adductors in Chronic Stroke Survivors.", Experimental Neurology 233(1): 400-407
Madhavan, S., Krishnan, C. (Corresponding Author), Jayaraman, A., Rymer, W.Z., Stinear, J.W., 2011, "Corticospinal tract integrity correlates with knee extensor weakness in chronic stroke survivors.", Clinical Neurophysiology 122(8): 1588-1594
Law, L.F., Avin, K., Krishnan, C., 2011, "Untitled Response.", Journal of Biomechancis 44(8): 1637-1638
Krishnan, C. Williams, G.N., 2011, "Factors Explaining Chronic Knee Extensor Strength Defiicits after ACL Reconstruction.", Journal of Orthopaedic Research 29(5): 633-640
Krishnan, C., Allen, E.J., Williams, G.N., 2011, "Effect of Knee Position on Quadriceps Muscle Force Steadiness and Activation Strategies.", Muscle and Nerve 43(4): 563-573
Law, L.F., Krishnan, C., Avin, K., 2011, "Response to Letter to the Editor BM-D-11-00125.", Journal of Biomechanics
Law, L.F., Krishnan, C., Avin, K., 2011, "Modeling Nonlinear Errors in Surface Electromyography due to Baseline Noise: A New Methodology.", Journal of Biomechanics 44(1): 202-205
Krishnan, C., Williams, G.N., 2010, "Quantification Method affects Estimates of Voluntary Quadriceps Activation.", Muscle & Nerve 41(6): 868-874
Krishnan, C., Williams, G.N., 2010, "Error Associated with Antagonist Muscle Activity in Isometric Knee Strength Testing.", European Journal of Applied Physiology 109(3): 527-536
Williams, G.N., Krishnan, C., 2010, "Sex Differences in Quadriceps and Hamstring Activation and Needle Electromyography Response.", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 42(2): 410
Williams, G.N., Krishnan, C., 2010, "Response.", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 42(2): 410
Krishnan, C., 2010, "Quadriceps Inhibition may not be a Predecessor of PostTraumatic Ostearthritis associated with ACL Injury.", Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 38(1): 38
Krishnan, C., Williams, G.N., 2009, "Sex Differences in Quadriceps and Hamstrings EMG-moment Relationships.", Medicine and Sports in Sports and Exercise 41(8): 1653
Krishnan, C., Allen, E.J., Williams, G.N., 2009, "Torque-based Triggering Improves Stimulus Timing Precision in Activation Tests.", Muscle and Nerve 40(1): 130-133
Krishnan, C., Williams, G.N., 2009, "Evoked Tetanic Torque and Activation Level Explain Strength Differences by Side.", European Journal of Applied Physiology 106(5): 769-774
Williams, G.N., Krishnan, C., Allen, E.J., 2009, "Effect of Knee Joint Angle on Quadriceps Muscle Force Steadiness: 2281: Board# 169 May 28 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM.", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41(5): 293-294
Krishnan, C., Williams, G.N., 2009, "Variability in Antagonist Muscle Activity and Peak Torque During Isometric Knee Strength Testing.", The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 29: 149-158
Krishnan, C., Huston, K., Amendola, A., Williams, G.N., 2008, "Quadriceps and Hamstrings Muscle Control in Athletic Males and Females.", Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26(6): 800-808
Krishnan, C., Williams, G.N., 2008, "Hamstrings Activity During Knee Extensor Strength Testing: Effects of Burst Superimposition.", The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 28, 36-41
Williams, G.N., Krishnan, C., Patil, S., Amendola, A., 2006, "Sensorimotor Control of the Knee in Male and Female Athletes.", Journal of Biomechanics 39: S99
Williams, G.N., Krishnan, C., 2006, "Antagonist Muscle Activity During Maximal Isometric Knee Strength Testing.", Journal of Biomechanics 39: S547
Krishnan, C., Sobti, A., Sood, G., Verma, M., 2004, "The Effects of Passive Heating (SWD) on Hamstring Muscle Flexibility.", Journal of Sports Traumatology and Allied Sports Sciences 5,6: 10-21